Native Horsemanship Riding Center

What we offer...

We have so many special methods for helping kids learn and heal that the best way to learn about us is to come and see for yourself!

We have three levels of expertise for our riders to go through, and each simple skill builds upon the previous one so that the rider learns in small segments. This practice has been proven to enable youth to retain skills, rather than being overwhelmed by too many things at once.

Lessons are 'kid-friendly' and kept simple to keep the child safe and the horse comfy - where real learning can be achieved and retained. We have an adult volunteer or a trained Jr. Wranger for every student, and we encourage parent participation whenever we can.

Hands-on training

Our riders learn with hands-on training, not from an already-saddled animal.

From brushing before saddling to the safety dismount, our riders learn it all.

Activity course and trail walks

Within our arena, we have a small starter area for safety and a wonderfully fun activity course with games that improve balance, concentration, and memory skills. 

We also have 5 acres of maintained trails and trailside activities.

Native Horsemanship... riding the Indian Way

Stroke, don't pat

The horse must fit the rider

Use the "hiney hug"

Don't kick to go

Contact us to learn more!